Make a Gift in 3 Easy Steps
Not everyone wants to commit to making a gift in their wills or estates. Some prefer the increased flexibility that a beneficiary designation provides by using:
Not everyone wants to commit to making a gift in their wills or estates. Some prefer the increased flexibility that a beneficiary designation provides by using:
- IRAs and retirement plans
- Life insurance policies
- Donor advised funds
- Commercial annuities
- Bank and brokerage accounts
- Contact the administrator of your retirement plan, insurance policy, bank or brokerage account or donor advised fund for a change-of-beneficiary form or simply download a form from your provider's website.
- Decide what percentage (1 to 100) you would like us to receive and name us, along with the percentage you chose, on the beneficiary form.
- Return the completed form to your plan administrator, insurance company, bank or financial institution.
Gift Pledges
Kent State Tuscarawas gratefully accepts pledged gifts. These gifts allow donors to make a pledge commitment and set up a payment schedule that best suits their donor wishes, or coincides with their business cycle.
Kent State Tuscarawas gratefully accepts pledged gifts. These gifts allow donors to make a pledge commitment and set up a payment schedule that best suits their donor wishes, or coincides with their business cycle.
Did you know that you may be able to double or even triple your gift to Kent State Tuscarawas?
Many employers sponsor matching gift programs that match charitable contributions made by their employees. To find out if your company participates in a matching gift program, contact your company's human resources department.
Many employers sponsor matching gift programs that match charitable contributions made by their employees. To find out if your company participates in a matching gift program, contact your company's human resources department.
Gifts of Securities
Many donors choose to make their gifts in the form of stocks, bonds, and other properties that have increased in value. Gifts of appreciated securities and closely held stock can be extremely beneficial, both to you and to Kent State Tuscarawas. You may receive an income-tax deduction equal to the fair market value of the securities, as well as a possible reduction or avoidance of capital gains taxes. Proceeds from the sale of these assets can be directed toward donor-specified programs or given as an unrestricted gift.
Many donors choose to make their gifts in the form of stocks, bonds, and other properties that have increased in value. Gifts of appreciated securities and closely held stock can be extremely beneficial, both to you and to Kent State Tuscarawas. You may receive an income-tax deduction equal to the fair market value of the securities, as well as a possible reduction or avoidance of capital gains taxes. Proceeds from the sale of these assets can be directed toward donor-specified programs or given as an unrestricted gift.
Planned Giving
Planned gifts can be made now or deferred to a later time. Some types of planned gifts enable you to support Kent State Tuscarawas and receive tax benefits up front, while allowing you to sustain your current lifestyle by making use of bequests through a will, retirement plan assets, and charitable trusts.
Planned gifts are sometimes referred to as "stop-and-think" gifts because they require some planning and, often, help from your professional advisors. Unlike cash donations, they are typically made from assets in your estate rather than disposable income, and come to fruition upon your death. The most common planned gift is a bequest in your will or living trust. Other planned gifts include: A Charitable Gift Annuity
Planned gifts can be made now or deferred to a later time. Some types of planned gifts enable you to support Kent State Tuscarawas and receive tax benefits up front, while allowing you to sustain your current lifestyle by making use of bequests through a will, retirement plan assets, and charitable trusts.
Planned gifts are sometimes referred to as "stop-and-think" gifts because they require some planning and, often, help from your professional advisors. Unlike cash donations, they are typically made from assets in your estate rather than disposable income, and come to fruition upon your death. The most common planned gift is a bequest in your will or living trust. Other planned gifts include: A Charitable Gift Annuity
- A Charitable Remainder Trust
- An Endowed Fund
- Retirement Plan Assets
- Life insurance policies
- A remainder interest in your home
Gifts of Personal Property
There are also tax benefits to making a gift of personal property. These gifts, made during your lifetime entitles you to an income tax deduction and reduces taxes on your estate. If made through your will, your estate will benefit from estate tax savings.
The Internal Revenue Service recognizes two types of personal property gifts. There are gifts that are related to the purposes of the University and those that are considered to be of "unrelated use." For full tax benefits, the gift must be related to the educational purposes of the University. For example, a gift of a painting that will become part of the University's permanent collection is considered to be a "related use" gift.
In contrast, a gift of personal property that will be sold by the University for the purpose of using the proceeds is considered to be of "unrelated use." In this case, the donor is limited to a deduction of his cost basis of the property.
There are also tax benefits to making a gift of personal property. These gifts, made during your lifetime entitles you to an income tax deduction and reduces taxes on your estate. If made through your will, your estate will benefit from estate tax savings.
The Internal Revenue Service recognizes two types of personal property gifts. There are gifts that are related to the purposes of the University and those that are considered to be of "unrelated use." For full tax benefits, the gift must be related to the educational purposes of the University. For example, a gift of a painting that will become part of the University's permanent collection is considered to be a "related use" gift.
In contrast, a gift of personal property that will be sold by the University for the purpose of using the proceeds is considered to be of "unrelated use." In this case, the donor is limited to a deduction of his cost basis of the property.
Gifts of Real Estate
Making an outright gift of real estate may result in an immediate tax deduction for the full value of the property. Gifts of homes, farms, and rental properties can be used in various ways to enhance educational opportunities at Kent State Tuscarawas. In some cases, gifts of real estate have been made in consideration of planned gift that give the donors income for life.
Making an outright gift of real estate may result in an immediate tax deduction for the full value of the property. Gifts of homes, farms, and rental properties can be used in various ways to enhance educational opportunities at Kent State Tuscarawas. In some cases, gifts of real estate have been made in consideration of planned gift that give the donors income for life.
When an endowment gift is made to Kent State Tuscarawas, the principal is preserved in perpetuity. Only investment income from endowment may be used toward the endowment's established purpose. Therefore, endowment funds are never depleted and are preserved for continuous use to maintain and enhance educational excellence at Kent State Tuscarawas.
The Advancement Department will work with you to design a gift that matches your interests and vision with the needs and mission of the University. Whether your interest in Kent State Tuscarawas is with a specific program, department or is focused on assisting future generations of our students, we will tailor your endowment to assure the greatest possible benefit to all participants.
Endowments may be established through a single gift, a series of gifts or through a bequest or other form of planned gifts. Recognition for endowment donors are arranged appropriately by endowment type and level of support.
Note: Minimum support level for various types of endowments may be established. These support levels are based on expected return on investment and the use of the endowment income.
When an endowment gift is made to Kent State Tuscarawas, the principal is preserved in perpetuity. Only investment income from endowment may be used toward the endowment's established purpose. Therefore, endowment funds are never depleted and are preserved for continuous use to maintain and enhance educational excellence at Kent State Tuscarawas.
The Advancement Department will work with you to design a gift that matches your interests and vision with the needs and mission of the University. Whether your interest in Kent State Tuscarawas is with a specific program, department or is focused on assisting future generations of our students, we will tailor your endowment to assure the greatest possible benefit to all participants.
Endowments may be established through a single gift, a series of gifts or through a bequest or other form of planned gifts. Recognition for endowment donors are arranged appropriately by endowment type and level of support.
Note: Minimum support level for various types of endowments may be established. These support levels are based on expected return on investment and the use of the endowment income.